
A jorney into Christmas card

With my Irish friends we’ve travelled across North and Central Kazakhstan. Our jorney coincided with New Year’s eve, so these days literally happened to be like a jorney into Christmas card, like Paul said.

By admin, ago

Ukrainian farmers in Astana

Sep, 6 to 10 Ukrainian farmers visited Astana, Burabai natural park. Along the way to Burabai we’ve visited research station on agriculture that happily coincided to hold field day. We’ve observed Kazakhstan field and proceeded Read more…

By admin, ago

A travel from Kazakhstan through Russia to Mongolia

Two Australian guys, Matthew and Rohan were brave enough to travel from Kazakhstan to Mongolia on bikes. They spent more than a week in Astana, travelling across the city, learning about it cookery, museums, nature and other sightseeings. We also went to a village, where hunter eagles are bred. Time in the village was amazing, as well as fishing, riding a horse and watching marmots and other animals. In the end boys bought two bikes and left through East Kazakhstan and Russian Altai to Mongolia. (more…)

By admin, ago

KZ is celebrating B’Day of Astana

KZ is celebrating B’Day of Astana. Astana became capital 20 years ago. KZ regions give gifts, such as squares, bridges, fountains, parks and other valuable things.  

By admin, ago

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